Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Journey, Cont...

Hi crazy blogger people!

This neglected little blog/journal of mine is once again shifting to a different subject. My health has become a priority for me, so you won't be seeing many looks until I get my health in order. I will be using this as a place to post my journey, vent, and BRING IT!

I've been doing P90X for 91 days now :) I'm officially starting round 2 today. I did Legs and back yesterday with the pull up bar and it was SOOO HARD, like a million times harder than it was using the bands. I'm doing the classic version of P90X this time so I will be doing Plyo and more Ab ripperX (which is torture for me btw) I've seen some big changes in my body already and I'm very pleased that I no longer look like I'm 6 months pregnant. I was tipping the scales at almost 200 pounds which is quite a bit of weight for a 5'3 1/2in, 26 year old.

Take a look at my journey so far....

Here is my P90X schedule for the next 3 weeks:

Weeks 1-3:
Day 1 – Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 – Plyometrics
Day 3 – Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X
Day 5 – Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

I'm eating things like this for lunch:

My goal is to lose 15-20 pounds in the next 90 days.


  1. wooow!! you look AMAZING!! If you don't mind-I'd love to get some answers to do the same-

    -how much did you lose?
    -did you do the classic, double or lean version?
    -how was your diet? what did you eat?

  2. oh, also, how many calories were you eating a day?
