Sunday, September 5, 2010

Losing my craving for sugar?

 Friends and Starbucks! Yay!

A few of my friends and I went to starbucks for a girls night out last night (Aren't they gorgeous?!) and I realized something: if this was a couple months ago I would have ordered the most creamy-sugary blended drink they had on the menu, but I honestly have NO desire! I can't get over it! It's so bizarre to me. My husband laughed when we discussed this last night. I actually enjoy the full flavor of coffee and I don't covet the sugar as I once did. I'm no longer craving ice cream or candy, and if I do eat it I feel sick almost instantly. I usually have soy/almond milk and sometimes a drop of stevia in my morning cup of coffee. 

So, I've been trying to figure out how this change within me occurred. I know eating clean is part of it, I do allow myself to enjoy the cheat foods I like every once in a while but for the most part, all my food is unprocessed and healthy. I finally figured out where my change of heart came from...

I REALLY want to be healthy....and I will do anything to reach this goal. It's not even about the weight loss, this is about overcoming my addiction to food. There are so few things that I have control of in my life and what I put in my body is crucial to my well-being.


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